Sunday, February 26, 2012

Warning Signals from Our Body - Your Palm

7. Vulnerable to cold and cough as a child
Chaotic pattern that appears on the connect part life line and head line indicates frequent respiratory system problems during childhood. People with this kind of pattern are easy to catch a cold, cough and rhinitis.
8. Cervical spine issues
A line on the lower part between the base of index and middle fingers means cervical spine problem, such as frequent neck and shoulder pain, headache, and dizziness. The deeper the line, the more serious the condition is.
9. Waist and back pain
The side region outside the love line and under the pinkie finger represents the entire back, waist, and lumbar area; it can roughly tell where the problem is based on the location of the lines. The lines at 1/3 from the pinkie finger (A) indicate back pain, the lines in the lower middle area (B) indicate waist pain, and the lines at lower potion close to wrist (C) represents lumbar problem. The finer and shallower the lines, it means only pain and fatigue are not server. The deeper the lines the serious the waist ache or lower back pain. Since this part is at the side of the palm, one should turn the palm in order to exam accurately.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Warning Signals from Our Body - Your Palm

4.      Weak immunity system
A line that goes through the end of the life line indicates the person is weak with poor immunity system.

5. Myocardial ischemia
A triangle at the end of the life line indicates myocardial ischemia. If a triangle appears on both hands, then the person has had the problem for a long time. If a triangle only appears on the right hand, then the symptom of myocardial ischemia starts after middle-age. This triangular pattern can become shallow, break and eventually no longer in a triangle shape as one starts to expel cold and nourish Qi and blood. On the other hand, if one’s physical health becomes worse, the triangle will deepen and reform. So for the person with this pattern, he/she can know whether he/she has heart ischemia at any given time according to the change of the triangle.

6. Vulnerable to gynecological disease
An island pattern at end of life line on a woman’s hand or at the middle of upper wrist line indicates she is vulnerable to gynecological diseases, such as uterine fibroid and so on.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Warning Signals from Our Body - Your Palm

2. Lines indicate malnutrition 
Multiple lines on the bottom of a palm most likely indicate malnutrition, weak digestion and absorption in childhood. If a man’s hand has this pattern, then he is vulnerable to gout or prostate problems. If this pattern appears on a women’s hand, she may suffer gynecological diseases. The deeper the pattern, the harder it is for this woman to conceive. The deeper and thicker the patter, the longer the person has suffered the diseases and the serious the diseases are. Thin and irregular lines indicate that the problems are less serious. If these lines appear on the hand while a blue vein also appears on the outside of index finger, then the malnutrition of this person is caused by multiply childhood diseases. Without blue vine, the malnutrition is caused by poor living condition during childhood.
3. rheumatism pattern
A bifurcation line at the end of life line means serious cold and dampness in the body. If this pattern appears on both hands, then the cold and dampness is already server in childhood; if it only appears on the right hand, then it means this cold and dampness is caused by the bad habits or eating the wrong food during growing up.